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What is Chameleon's Journey?
Follow along with our Chameleon friend to learn about his journey!
Through his journey, Chameleon learned there was absolutely nothing wrong with him, because it's normal to have lots of different feelings when we lose someone we care about. And when he was ready, he was able to see that life is full of joy and sorrow and everything in between and soon became a beautiful happy rainbow Chameleon; it just took time to heal, and in his own way.
~ Excerpts from "Chameleon's Journey,
The Tale of One Little Chameleon's Journey Through Grief"
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We understand that the needs of children and teens are unique when going through the grieving process. We help children and teens to understand these complex feelings, but more importantly, help them know they aren't alone by creating fun group settings and camp activities with peers their own age.
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